Carl 'The Legend' Pope
An interview to understand how these superstars function
Let the questions begin!
Question 1. How did you get into bikes and at what age?
A, Had my first bike in 1978 at 15, it was a 1977 CZ400
Had my first race at Boraston in sept 1978 - finished 10th in one of the junior races....
Question 2. How many times have you competed at Red Marley and on what bikes?
A, Think my first Red Marley was 2003 after watching the 2000 event, It was on a cheney Triumph owned by Paul Bennett of Severn Bore, Then changed to his BSA's competing in Classic Des Nations across Europe, and claiming 2 Silver helmets at Red Marley!
Recently RM's have been on board a BSA 600 owned by Karl Newman (club chairman), although last year I broke it in practice and was luckily enough to be lent another BSA 600 owned by Mark Grinnall of Midwest Moto.
Question 3. Who has been your biggest rival?
A, There have been many rivals through the years including...
"The late great" Terry Challinor
Big Arthur (Browning)
Tim Manton
Rich Williams
Piers Dowell
Tom Crump Rick Pedder and many more.....
But I have to say I respect anybody with the B*##*cks to send an old bike up "the hill" whatever they're age or ability
Question 4. Money no object what bike would you build for it?
A, To be honest I'm quite happy with the bikes I've been given the privilege to ride.
Question 5.What do you do and does it involve bikes?
A, I worked for 30 years in road haulage but now work with ATV/UTV vehicles.
A massive thanks to Carl for taking the time to answer our questions and good luck on the day mate!